Green and Gold™ is the power duo of high carbohydrate, glyphosate tolerant corn & high protein, high tonnage, glyphosate tolerant soybeans.
Suggested seeding rate: Min. 140,000 seeds (1 bag)/acre
Planting depth: Plant ¾” to 1″ deep in a firm, moist seedbed.
Preferred soils: Well drained soils, prefer locations where there is full sunlight
Establishment: Plant in spring to early summer is best. Seed should be inoculated before planting for best results. Can be planted with a drill, no-till drill, hand seeder or broadcast spreader. If broadcasting, make sure seed is covered with soil and roll or pack soil after seeding to ensure good seed-to-soil contact. Best to start with a clean, weed-free seed bed. See soybean planting tips under tech sheets for more info. Another source of information on food plot strategies is this video from The Best Food Plot Strategies: Learning From Experience (#288)