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Game Keeper Forage Soybean Mix

Game Keeper Forage Soybean Mix

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Game Keeper Forage Soybean Blend consists of a blend of 3 varieties of forage soybeans. It has the huge leaves of the Big Fellow, the excellent pod production from the Large Lad, and the resilience of the Whitetail Thicket. Gamer Keeper has excellent browse tolerance and stays green longer, keeping deer happy from early spring to fall frost and beyond.

Seed will ship around the first of April.

Inoculant included with purchase!

CLICK HERE for Eagle Seed Soybean tech sheet
CLICK Here for Soybean Planting Tips



Game Keeper blend contsists of 3 varieties of forage soybeans: Large Lad, Big Fellow, & Whitetail Thicket.  This blend is glyphosate tolerant. Whitetail Thicket has an excellent drought tolerance and tolerance with both high and low soil pHs. Game Keeper stays green longer than other forage soybeans on the market because it features MG 7 & 8 soybeans. The Whitetail Thicket is the first and only glyphosate tolerant climbing soybean. The climbing soybeans make runners that go wide and fill in spaces between plants. Deer love to bed down in this soybean. This is the most popular food plot blend for the south.

Suggested seeding rate:  Min. 140,000 seeds (1 bag)/acre

Planting depth:  Plant ¾” to 1″ deep in a firm, moist seedbed.

Preferred soils:  Well drained soils, prefer locations where there is full sunlight

Establishment:  Plant in spring to early summer is best.  Seed should be inoculated before planting for best results.  Can be planted with a drill, no-till drill, hand seeder or broadcast spreader.  If broadcasting, make sure seed is covered with soil and roll or pack soil after seeding to ensure good seed-to-soil contact.  Best to start with a clean, weed-free seed bed. See soybean planting tips under tech sheets for more info.  Another source of information on food plot strategies is this video from  The Best Food Plot Strategies: Learning From Experience (#288)

Additional information

Weight 54 lbs
Dimensions 24 × 14 × 6 in
Feature Bullet List


Icons Shown

Eagle Seeds, Roundup Ready

Price Descriptor

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