Fixation Balansa Clover is a small seeded annual legume that is quick to germinate, offers excellent forage production, and is well-adapted to a wide range of soil types. Established stands tolerate water-logged and extreme pH soils. Due to the inherent cold tolerance of Fixation Balansa Clover, it can overwinter in climates where other annual clovers cannot. Quick to germinate, however it is slower to establish than other clovers (crimson and red clover). Balansa is a prolific re-seeder; termination or grazing prior to flowering will remove the risk.
Balansa seed is small and economical. Although it may be more expensive per pound compared to other annual clovers, it is cheaper on a per acre basis. Balansa clover can fix over 100 lbs of nitrogen (N) per acre when planted in early fall and terminated the following spring. Balansa clover can produce over 200 lbs of N/acre if left to grow.
Carbon/Nitrogen Ratio (C:N): 15:1 – 20:1
Suggested seeding rate:
- Drill (7.5″ rows) 3-6 lbs/acre alone or 1-4 lbs/acre in a mix.
- Broadcast/Aerial: 3-6 lbs/acre
Approx. seeds/lb.: 500,000
Seeding depth: Seed ¼” deep in a firm, moist seedbed. Soil pH range 4.5 to 8.0.
Ave. Emergence time: 14 days
Planting window: Feb. – March, Aug. – Sept.
Control: Fixation should be terminated at flowering to prevent re-seeding. It can be killed with a non-selective herbicide, such as glyphosphate. In organic farm operations, tillage can be utilized.