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Big Fellow RR™ Forage Soybeans

Big Fellow RR™ Forage Soybeans

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Big Fellow RR™ Forage Soybeans from Eagle Seed is a very tall, large-leafed forage soybean variety that works well in deer plots and as silage for cattle.  See Forage Soybeans for Silage  for more information.

  • Very tall, large leaves
  • High protein, high tonnage
  • Drought tolerant
  • Indeterminant growth habit

Seed will ship around the first of April.

Inoculant included with purchase!

CLICK HERE for Soybean Planting Tips
CLICK HERE for Cattle Brochure
CLICK Here for Deer Brochure




Big Fellow RR™ forage soybean from Eagle Seed is an extremely tall, very large leafed Roundup Ready forage variety. It has been tested in numerous University trials and is an outstanding high protein, high tonnage producer. Big Fellow is also known for its drought tolerance and indeterminant growth habit which makes it truly rare. It can keep growing through heavy browse by cattle or deer. It continues providing excellent nutrition later in the year after other varieties have completed their life cycle. Big Fellow is superior to both earlier and later maturing soybeans as a food for animals because it puts on more than twice as many nodes as a regular cultivar — this means more height, tonnage, leaf area and browse tolerance. This variety is a favorite of silage growers since it has a very high feed value…equal to alfalfa. It has excellent seed yield and is avaiable in the deer blends, Wildlife Manager’s Mix, Habitat Haven, and GameKeeper. When used in wildllife food plots, the Round-up Ready gene in Big Fellow™ forage soybeans makes food plot cleanup cost effective and simple.   Big Fellow is also a part of the Wildlife Manager’s Mix.

Suggested seeding rate:  Min. 140,000 seeds (1 bag)/acre.

Planting depth:  Plant ¾” to 1″ deep in a firm, moist seedbed.

Preferred soils:  Well drained soils, prefer locations where there is full sunlight.

Establishment:  Plant in spring to early summer is best.  Seed should be inoculated before planting for best results.  Can be planted with a drill, no-till drill, hand seeder or broadcast spreader.  If broadcasting, make sure seed is covered with soil and roll or pack soil after seeding to ensure good seed-to-soil contact.  Best to start with a clean, weed-free seed bed. See soybean planting tips under tech sheets for more info.

Additional information

Weight 49 lbs
Dimensions 24 × 14 × 6 in
Feature Bullet List

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Icons Shown

Eagle Seeds, Roundup Ready

Price Descriptor

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