Dairy Elite is a favorite pasture mix that we have also used on our farm for the past several years. A thick, dense stand of Dairy Elite makes more milk than any other pasture mix that we have tried. Thick, dense pasture that maximizes a cow’s dry matter intake with every bite. Excellent pasture for stocker cattle also. If it makes milk then it can make meat! We’ve had dairy steers gain over 3 lbs/day on just this grass mix alone. A very high energy, high quality pasture mix that excels on heavier soils or lighter soils with irrigation. Requires high fertility for best performance. With adequate moisture and fertility, this pasture performs well even in the heat of summer. Excess pasture must be harvested as silage as it will not dry for dry hay. Tolerates drier soils than the Dairy HP+
Contains approx. (percentages may vary slightly due to availability)
•50% perennial ryegrass for high energy and quick regrowth
•40% meadow fescue for winter hardiness and summer production
•8% white clover (preinoculated and coated) for protein and nitrogen production
•2% chicory
Available in a 50 lb. bag
Special pricing is for seed ordered this month for the 2025 planting season. Seed will be shipped by late February unless other arrangements are made with our office.