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AS9302 BMR Sudangrass

AS9302 BMR Sudangrass

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AS9302 is a medium maturity sudangrass with the BMR-6 gene for high digestibility along with the Brachytic dwarf trait.

  • Brachytic dwarf trait provides stout stalks for excellent standability
  • Excellent for dry hay and rotational grazing
  • Dry stalk for quick dry down
  • Exceptional re-growth and BMR-6 for high digestibility


SKU: AS9302 Sudangrass Hybrid Categories: , , Tags: , , , ,


AS9302 BMR Sudangrass is the first BMR-6, Brachytic dwarf hybrid sudangrass to hit the market. The BMR-6 gene adds high digestibility to a plant that has very fine stems and tremendous re-growth.  The Brachytic dwarf trait adds a much tighter distance between internodes, allowing for a lower cutting/grazing height and better standability. The dry stalk trait allows for quick dry down, making this one of the most versatile forage products on the market.

BMR-6:  BMR-6 sudangrasses have less lignin than conventional sudangrasses and are extremely palatable. The high digestibility rivals corn silage as the choice for improved animal performance.

For the best quality and yield under a multi-cut program, harvest at 40 days or 40″ of growth.  Mechanical harvesters should be set to leave 2 nodes or 4″ of stubble, whichever is higher.  Sharp blades provide for a clean cut and enhance re-growth.   Harvesting at this height will promote more rapid re-growth.    Opening the swather for a wide windrow promotes drying.

If grazing, cattle should be turned in at approximately 18″ of growth, and grazing should be stopped when height is reduced to 4″ to promote rapid and adequate re-growth.

Seeding rates:  In the Midwest, 25-30 lbs/acre

Approx. seeds/lb.:  22-25,000  (see bag for details)

Seeding depth:  Drill 1″ deep in a firm, moist and warm seedbed.

Preferred soils:  Medium to lighter soils that are well drained.  Do not plant in high pH soils.  See tech sheet for more information.

Establishment:  AS9302 BMR Sudangrass should be planted after soil temperature reaches at least 60° F and is climbing.

Management:  Under favorable growing conditions, apply 1-1.25 lbs. of Nitrogen (N) per day of planned growth.  We would recommend harvesting at 40 days for easier and faster wilting of forage and doing haylage in-a-day.    See Tech sheet for further information and how to avoid nitrate and prussic acid poisoning from sorghum.

Additional information

Weight 54 lbs
Dimensions 28 × 17 × 5 in
Feature Bullet List

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Crop Type


Price Descriptor

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Alta Seeds

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