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Coldsnap Annual Ryegrass

Coldsnap Annual Ryegrass

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Coldsnap ™ Annual Ryegrass is a premium Soil First™ cover crop product that has been screened and selected for cover crop use.

Available in a 50 lb. bag.

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Coldsnap ™ Annual Ryegrass is a quick growing, cool season annual grass. Annual ryegrass has come under scrutiny recently as a cover crop, however the species still provides benefits much needed across the Midwest: nutrient sequestration, erosion control and compaction alleviation. It also adds biomass and organic matter while improving soil structure. With proper management in areas where it overwinters, annual ryegrass should be considered as a viable option – both for cover cropping and/or forage established quickly – excellent at controlling erosion and suppressing weed development.

  • Excellent for scavenging nutrients and holding them for following crop
  • Known for its dense root structure for added compaction relief
  • Provides a uniform stand maturity for easier spring control
  • Slower to mature than cereal rye and other cereal grains
  • ColdSnap ™ has been screened and selected for cover crop use
  • Superior winter-hardiness when compared to other annual ryegrasses

Carbon/Nitrogen Ratio (C:N):  Vegetative 20:1

Suggested seeding rate:

  • Seed 15-30 lbs/acre alone or 10-15 lbs/acre in a mix.
  • Broadcast/Aerial:  15-35 lbs/acre.
  • For forage 15-20 lbs/acre.

Approx. seeds/lb:  215,000

Preferred soils:  Adapted to a wide variety of soils as long as soil is well drained.  Ideal pH of 6.0 – 7.0.

Seeding depth:  Seed 1/4″ deep in a firm, moist seedbed.

Ave. emergence time:  7 days

Planting window:  Aug – Oct, Mar – Apr.

  • In soybeans, overseed by highboy or aerial apply at leaf drop.
  • In corn, can be planted at the V4 to V8 stage or after canopy opens in late summer.
  • After wheat or small grain harvest
  • In early fall after potatoes, vegetables, etc… are harvested


  • Use full glyphosate rates… include ammonium sulfate (AMS)
  • Check your water to ensure the correct pH levels
  • Standard or XR flat fan nozzles are the best for most applications (medium droplet size)
  • Keep spray application volume to 10 gallons/acre
  • Top growth should be taller than 4-8″
  • Soil temperatures need to be at least 45° F and climbing
  • Ambient air temperatures need to be above 55-60° F – delay applications when nighttime temperatures drop below 38° F (ideally need 3 nights above 40° F)
  • Spray in the middle of the day (after dew has dried but 4 hours prior to sunset to allow for adequate translocation)
  • If a 2nd application is needed, wait at least 2 weeks after the 1st pass
  • Annual ryegrass becomes harder to control after it joints (begins stem elongation)

Additional information

Weight 54 lbs
Dimensions 30 × 20 × 8 in
Icons Shown

Soil First Premium Cover Crop Seed

Price Descriptor

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